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Mosquitos Are More Than A Nuisance

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Enjoying your yard or outdoor space with worrisome mosquitos buzzing around your head is more than aggravating. The mosquitos attacking you can do more than leave itchy red spots dotting your body. They can carry harmful viruses and diseases that can be dangerous to you and your family. Knowing more about these pesky insects and several mosquito prevention methods hopefully will keep you and your family safe during the upcoming outdoor season.…

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Roof Rats: Nighttime Rodents That Cause Damage

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Roof rats are a highly adaptable rodent species. They have black or brown sleek fur and a long hairless tail. Roof rats prefer elevated nesting areas. Damaged materials that comprise a home’s exterior can lead to a rat infestation. Diet Preferences And Behavioral Characteristics A roof rat is an omnivore. This type of rodent consumes fruits, leafy greens, tree bark, meat, nuts, and grains. Land that contains a lot of vegetation offers a suitable area for roof rats to forage for food and seek refuge from the elements.…

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Top 3 Elements That May Lead To A Rat Infestation In Your Home

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Like most pests, rodents are attracted to food and aren’t picky about what they consume. As such, they’ll eat any leftover food you leave out in your home. This means that if your home is unsanitary, rats are likely to enter and contaminate it, making household members vulnerable to diseases. Here’s a detailed overview of the aspects that may cause a rat infestation in your home: There’s Plenty Of Clutter and Debris Nearby…

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Pest Control Tips To Use This Winter

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Winter is a time to stay warm and cozy at home, and pests all around your neighborhood are feeling the same way about your home. Local pests are feeling like they would like to stay warm and cozy as well, and they don’t care about your personal space. They will invade your space and your home to stay cozy and warm in order to survive. Pests such as ants, mice, and spiders will all come inside to survive.…

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Bed Bugs In Your Bed? What Should You Do?

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Bed bugs are a pest that can spread rapidly, so if you spot them in one area of your home, you need to be vigilant and take a close look at the rest of your home to see if you have these pests elsewhere as well. You need to quarantine your home effectively and quarantine the room in which you have spotted this pest, then you need to take swift action in getting rid of these pests.…

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Why It's Important To Keep Raccoons Out Of Your Yard

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There’s no debating that raccoons can look cute when you see pictures or video clips of them online, but they are an animal that you don’t want to see up close. Raccoons frequently prowl residential neighborhoods at night, often taking up residence in peoples’ yards, unsecured sheds, and other areas. If you encounter raccoons on your property, you might initially be tempted to shrug off their presence and simply hope they go away.…

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4 Tips To Prevent A Termite Infestation In Your Home

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As a homeowner, it can be extremely frustrating to discover that termites have invaded your residence. This reaction is to be expected because termites have the reputation of being destructive pests. This moniker is well earned because the pests can silently destroy the structure of your house without being noticed. Fortunately, you can take control of the situation and safeguard your home from pest invasions. Here are effective termite control tips you may try:…

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Advice For Dealing With An HOA Pest Control Situation

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If you live in a community with an HOA (homeowners association), you may eventually have to deal with pests. If you plan on using professional pest control measures, consider taking these actions: Review State Laws You may be wondering who’s supposed to pay for pest control services when they’re needed for an HOA property. Do you cover the costs or is this the responsibility of your HOA? This is something you need to find out by looking up your state and HOA laws.…

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Signs You Might Have Bed Bugs In Your Home

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Bed bugs multiply at a very high rate and can wreak havoc in an entire building. You have to be observant enough to detect the early signs of these bugs. If you fail to do so, you’ll no longer enjoy nights in your home. The following signs are enough for you to call bed bug control services. Presence of Live Bed Bugs As much as bed bugs are known to be sneaky insects, they can’t go unnoticed for long.…

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Ridding Your Property of Pesky Wasps

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If you recently noticed wasps hanging around your property, you likely want to eliminate them so you are able to enjoy your outdoor space without the risk of being stung. Wasps become agitated when they are provoked, making it necessary to take precautions when going about the elimination process. Here are steps you can take to ensure your outdoor living space remains wasp-free. Locate Nests to Prepare Your Plan In order to remove wasps from your property, you need to know where they have located their nests.…

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