What to Do When Bugs Take Over Your Business

Pest Control Treatments For Ghost Ants

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Ghost ants are annoying when they invade your kitchen. They’re so tiny, it’s difficult to keep them out of your home with exclusion techniques. The first step in ghost ant control is to identify the type of ant you have. You can look at ant pictures online, or you can let the pest control company identify the ants for you. Ghost ants are tiny and have pale bodies that are difficult to see.…

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Mosquitos Are More Than A Nuisance

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Enjoying your yard or outdoor space with worrisome mosquitos buzzing around your head is more than aggravating. The mosquitos attacking you can do more than leave itchy red spots dotting your body. They can carry harmful viruses and diseases that can be dangerous to you and your family. Knowing more about these pesky insects and several mosquito prevention methods hopefully will keep you and your family safe during the upcoming outdoor season.…

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Roof Rats: Nighttime Rodents That Cause Damage

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Roof rats are a highly adaptable rodent species. They have black or brown sleek fur and a long hairless tail. Roof rats prefer elevated nesting areas. Damaged materials that comprise a home’s exterior can lead to a rat infestation. Diet Preferences And Behavioral Characteristics A roof rat is an omnivore. This type of rodent consumes fruits, leafy greens, tree bark, meat, nuts, and grains. Land that contains a lot of vegetation offers a suitable area for roof rats to forage for food and seek refuge from the elements.…

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