What to Do When Bugs Take Over Your Business

Buzz Off! How To Keep Wasps Away This Spring

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If you have a problem with wasps, now’s the time to take action. Wasps go into hiding during the winter. However, once spring arrives, they’ll come out in full force. Here are four steps you can use to keep wasps away. Keep the Odors Away Wasps are attracted to a wide variety of odors, including food, flowers, and perfume. You can’t do anything about the flowers, but you can keep the other odors away.…

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Teeny Flying Bugs Have Invaded Your Home? Here's What You Need To Know

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For health and longevity, you should eat one to two cups of fruit on a daily basis, depending on your gender and age. Unfortunately, sometimes having fruit in the home results in fruit flies. Fruit flies can multiply rapidly, leaving you with many of the teeny bugs swarming around your home, primarily in your kitchen. In fact, fruit larvae hatch in only 24 hours from the time the eggs are laid.…

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Removing Bed Bugs: Why Is It Better To Hire Professional Help With An Infestation?

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Never had bed bugs before but suddenly dealing with an infestation? You may have unintentionally and unknowingly brought the bed bugs to your home after staying at a hotel that was infested. Because you have never experienced a problem with bed bugs before, you are probably wondering what you can do to get them out of your home before you end up losing your mind because they are so frustrating to deal with, especially when you are trying to sleep at night.…

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