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Buzz Off! How To Keep Wasps Away This Spring

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If you have a problem with wasps, now’s the time to take action. Wasps go into hiding during the winter. However, once spring arrives, they’ll come out in full force. Here are four steps you can use to keep wasps away. Keep the Odors Away Wasps are attracted to a wide variety of odors, including food, flowers, and perfume. You can’t do anything about the flowers, but you can keep the other odors away.…

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Teeny Flying Bugs Have Invaded Your Home? Here's What You Need To Know

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For health and longevity, you should eat one to two cups of fruit on a daily basis, depending on your gender and age. Unfortunately, sometimes having fruit in the home results in fruit flies. Fruit flies can multiply rapidly, leaving you with many of the teeny bugs swarming around your home, primarily in your kitchen. In fact, fruit larvae hatch in only 24 hours from the time the eggs are laid.…

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Removing Bed Bugs: Why Is It Better To Hire Professional Help With An Infestation?

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Never had bed bugs before but suddenly dealing with an infestation? You may have unintentionally and unknowingly brought the bed bugs to your home after staying at a hotel that was infested. Because you have never experienced a problem with bed bugs before, you are probably wondering what you can do to get them out of your home before you end up losing your mind because they are so frustrating to deal with, especially when you are trying to sleep at night.…

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3 Tips To Deal With Bee Infestations In Trees Or In Your Home

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When stinging insects invade your home, they can cause a lot of problems and hazards. The stings from bees and wasps can be painful and a danger if you have an allergy. These insects can also cause structural damage to your home. There are some insects that can be exterminated, but bees will need to be removed and relocated by a pest control professional. Here are some tips to help with the problems of stinging insects infesting your home.…

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Three Landscape Issues That Can Lead To Indoor Pest Problems

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Are insects getting into your home and driving you mad? Whether it’s scavengers like roaches and ants, predators like spiders, or alarming pests like termites, the infestation on the inside of your home could be caused by a problem on the outside of your home. The following are three things to watch for in your landscape that can help keep pests out of your home. #1: Poorly placed wood piles…

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How To Control Squirrels So They Don't Become Destructive Pests

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Squirrels are very successful at surviving in urban landscapes. As long as there are trees and sources of food, squirrels can be found just about anywhere, even in the congested heart of a city. Squirrels don’t often pose any problems as long as you just coexist with them; however, if you start feeding them, or leave an easy source of food in your bird feeder, they can become a nuisance. Here’s why you want to get rid of squirrels when they become pests and how you can go about it:…

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Three Signs Of A Termite Infestation

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Pest infestations are a serious concern for your home, as they can cause a great deal of damage to the interior, can cause the spread of diseases, and can be quite costly and complicated to clean up. At the very least, any sort of infestation can be a huge disruption to your everyday schedule. Termites are one of the most destructive pests that your home can suffer from, since they will bury their way through wooden structures.…

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3 Tips For Rat Removal

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When you’re thinking about getting the pest control that suits you most, it all begins with finding a quality professional that can help. This is particularly important if you happen to be dealing with rats. If you need to get rid of rats in your household, you’ll want to learn as much as you can about doing business with pest control shops, as you work to shore up your home and prevent them from entering again.…

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Signs Your Home Is Infested With Mice And How An Inspection Helps Get Rid Of Them

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You can have an infestation of mice in your home and never see one of the creatures darting around, but they will leave clues. If you do see the mice, especially during the daytime, that could indicate you have a particularly bad infestation. Whether you’ve seen mice or not, you should take steps to eliminate them since they are unsanitary pests. Start with a residential mice inspection by a professional. Here’s when to suspect you have a mouse problem and why having a professional inspection is important.…

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How To Get Rid Of Carpenter Ants In Your Home And Yard

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Carpenter ants can invade your yard, your trees and your home. They look like giant ants and can be quite scary if you have them in your home. They can also bite, although they aren’t poisonous. These ants need to be controlled whether they are in your yard of your home. See below for tips to get rid of carpenter ants. Inside Your Home Take a look at the carpenter ants and watch their movement.…

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