Bedbug Treatment Techniques
Bedbugs are one pest no homeowner ever wants to deal with. The good news is that there are a few techniques that can be very effective against bedbugs.
Preparatory Steps
Before formal treatment begins, some preparatory steps must be taken. The first is usually to seal off mattresses and box springs by placing them in encasements. These are special covers that trap any bedbugs that are currently in the mattress so that they can't escape. These bedbugs will starve to death and die. More importantly, the encasement covers prevent any more bed bugs from getting into the mattresses. Not only does this allow you to keep your mattress, but it also ensures no pests can hide in the mattress to hide from the insecticide.
Special vacuums will also be used. These high-powered vacuums pull out the waste products and dead bedbugs from inside carpeting and upholstery. They aren't effective against living pests, but by pulling out the detritus, it will be easier to access and destroy any bedbugs that remain in the carpet or upholstery.
Steam Treatments
When it comes to certain items, like carpeting and furniture, a steam treatment is the best way to destroy bedbugs. Bed bugs can't survive the high heat from steam, so special steamers are a great tool that most bed bug services will utilize. These steam machines force the hot steam into carpets, rugs, drapery, and the upholstery of furniture. As long as the upholstery isn't too thick, steam is extremely effective.
For washable items, such as clothing, linens, and some rugs, the dryer may be utilized to provide the necessary heat to kill any bedbugs. Keep in mind that, although it's effective, steaming is time-consuming. The more items to be steamed, the longer the eradication process will take.
Your bedbug service will use insecticides to treat any remaining hiding spots in your home. The challenge with using insecticides is that it isn't as simple as fumigating the home. Dry insecticide doesn't affect bedbugs, so they must be treated directly in their hiding spots. For this reason, insecticides are primarily used in areas where a steam treatment isn't possible.
For example, bedbugs can hide in the wooden joints of furniture legs and bed frames. Steam will damage the wood, but an insecticide injection won't hurt the furniture and will destroy the pests. The same insecticide method can also be used to treat baseboards, floorboard cracks, and other areas where bedbugs typically hide.
Don't ignore a potential bed bug infestation, as they are much easier to treat before the pests become well established. Contact a bed bug extermination service if you suspect an infestation.